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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here are the photos

Thats the new tank for the Chalet water. After several false starts we got hooked up at Tractor Supply with a 3000 gal tank thats about enough for two months in the summer. Its 8 feet tall and 8.5' wide with a hatch on the top probably too small to fit anyone in. It is light now maybe 250 lbs and huge but without handles. When it's full "a pints a pound" and it weighs in at more the a ton. That means it needs a comfortable bed made of pea gravel not a rock or cement block which will pock a hole in the bottom.
Robert found a good spot under the trees next to the house and fortunately not far from a good supply of pea gravel. Trees and dead branches were cleared . First we put together a 9 foot square frame with cross braces to hold the gravel. Then you level it and start filling it with smooth gravel (if its not level, your ton of water heads down the hill!).
After the frame is full it's leveled and graded smooth. Then it's time to get a bit of help from the neighbors to get it down the hill and onto the pad. JW and his visiting son-in-law came and gave us a hand getting it set upright and facing toward the house. Tomorrow, we start the plumbing up to the house. And now we're headed for the showers.....

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