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Saturday, May 31, 2014

     I continued the cedar path at 6 am.  Started by putting the dregs in the ruts by Johnson flats. That's much better then just shoving it in the trash.  I picked up two containers full of chips and realised there are plenty more.  These are finer then the ones at Mikes so they look a little different.  Some have mycelium mold starting, thats a great sign.  The soil in front of the shed is the richest I have seen.  I am keeping it wet with the cardboard on top even before I scrape it.  Sharpening the hoe helped alot.  I went up to Alex's house and he gave me two laptops he seems done with yesterday.  Miscellaneous doors missing but also included three wireless cards.  hope one will work in the laptop.  Grabbed 4 landscape timbers from his burn pile.  Maybe I will redo the center bed so I can get all the way around it.  There is one particularly worm eaten, I will cut that up for the island garden.  Maybe the others will be for the raised bed...
       Temptation is to just wait and get three IBC containers and make two for water one for the water off the deck/roof and one for the water off the shed.  I will take the third and make it one or two selfwatering containers(cut them in half).  Dumping water into the ground seems like a real waste when I could just make a self watering container.  I will line it with a cloth covered flexible Frenchdrain  Actually one of the blue barrels would work also and I could just screw it to the sides.  Maybe I will do that instead and pickup the IBC next month with my SS check. All I need is the pipe and I am done.  There is plenty of soil in the compost piles and the center bed.
        MEB wants to get the water from the coop.  Not sure what she intends to use it for as we dont have the filtration for use it.  My guess is she wants to be just like Karen and have a similar lawn.  I would rather save the 20$ a month for Xeriscape plants.  I am just not sure how much that water is poisoning the soil.  Everyone who puts it on trees kills them.
         I added some of Alex's seastone tiles to the path.  Prefers edge to edge stones as the others are too hard to walk on.  Just not ready to tear out the whole path and lay a new one.  Now I know why she likes the cedar so much.  Maybe we just need to convert to cedar everywhere, I am the only one who likes the stones.
        Tomorrow work on the last of the cedar and then move over to the front burr oak and cut it off.  I will clean out the grass and load it up with leaves and compost materials maybe plant the annual rye and see what gives.  Might even see about expanding the size of the area around the dead oak to make something more interesting.  I also have two more tiles to set into the ground.
        I am making boxes for the two black planters so the critters can't get in.  will have a closet door on top and wire lath sides that should keep things safe and a bit more shaded.  Setup some wood for the chop saw table, not sure how that will work out.

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